Calderdale residents are being asked to share their views on being active and the opportunities available to take part in physical activity in their local area.
Active Calderdale has launched the first in what will be an annual survey of behaviour and perceptions in relation to physical activity in Calderdale. Residents from across the borough are asked to share their thoughts and opinions about their own physical and mental health and how they feel their local area influences their levels of activity.
The responses gathered will be used to identify the things that make it easier for us to be active, so that we can look for ways in which these can be increased. They survey will also look at challenges in specific areas of the borough, so work can be targeted where it can make the most difference.
The survey takes around 5-10 minutes to complete and as an extra incentive there’s also the option to enter into a prize draw for a £50 love to shop voucher. To find out more or take part in the survey, visit https://bit.ly/33SOEFs(external link) or access via the Active Calderdale website. The survey is available in a number of languages and paper copies can also be requested via Calderdale libraries. The survey closes on Monday 7 June 2021.
The Leader of Calderdale Council, Cllr Tim Swift, said:
“Active Calderdale’s mission is to work with communities to make physical activity a part of day to day life for everyone in Calderdale. To achieve this, we want to hear from local residents about their attitudes towards activity, if there are any barriers preventing them from being more active, and how we can work to overcome these.
“Over 200 local people have already completed the survey, but we want to hear from more people from all across the borough to make sure our efforts are focused in the right place.
“As we continue our recovery from COVID-19, we’re in a position to inspire real change. Many people’s situation and perspectives have changed over the last 14 months, so this is an important time to have your say and support us to implement projects that can have a significant and lasting impact on the health and wellbeing of Calderdale residents.”
Active Calderdale is one of 12 Local Delivery Pilot(external link) areas funded through Sport England and the National Lottery to tackle longstanding inequalities in activity levels. For all the latest information and updates on the work being done in Calderdale to promote physical activity and encourage people to move more, visit https://active.calderdale.gov.uk/ and follow @ActiveCdale on Twitter.