Category Archives: Community safety

Local people can join the conversation on how the streets where they live, work or travel could be improved in the Skircoat area of Calderdale. Calderdale Council has launched a new survey to listen to residents’ views on how their experience of walking, cycling and spending time in the streets around Skircoat could be made… read more … about Your streets, your views>>

Calderdale logo

Local people are being asked to have their say on proposed changes to the legal restrictions in place to protect Calderdale’s distinctive moorlands and to keep public spaces safe and clean. Calderdale Council is reviewing its Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs), which can prohibit certain behaviour or activity as well as require action to be… read more … about Protecting Calderdale’s countryside and communities>>

Walshaw moor

Calderdale residents are being asked to share their thoughts about what it’s like to live in the borough to help inform ambitions for the future. The Vision perception survey gathers the views of local residents each year to help shape the Vision for Calderdale, as the borough approaches its 50th birthday in the year 2024…. read more … about Have your say and help shape Calderdale’s future>>

Cllr Tim Swift

Following discussions in a recent community meeting, officers took part in an operation this week to address concerns raised in relation to the anti-social use of off-road motorbikes in the area of North Halifax including Mixenden, Ovenden and Wainstalls. As part of a multi-agency operation, officers from Halifax’s Neighbourhood Policing Team were joined by Calderdale… read more … about Operation launched in Calderdale to tackle anti-social use of illegal off-road motorbikes.>>

A new policy to introduce restrictions around the use of advertising boards on public footways, is being presented to Calderdale Council’s Cabinet. Concerns have been raised by local groups about the use of free-standing advertising ‘A-boards’ on pavements in Calderdale town centres and the dangers they can pose, particularly for wheelchair and pushchair users, as… read more … about Safely sharing space in our towns>>


Following the confirmation from the Prime Minister that the next stage of the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown will go ahead as planned from Monday 17 May, Calderdale Council is reviewing the impact on its services. The Leader of Calderdale Council, Cllr Tim Swift, said: “Step 3 of the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown sees… read more … about Safely welcoming the further easing of restrictions>>

HR-One decorative banner

As part of Calderdale’s wider programme of targeted community COVID-19 testing, frontline Council staff will soon start to receive lateral flow tests. Calderdale Council has been carrying out targeted community testing with lateral flow tests as one of the many measures being used to prevent and control COVID-19.  The tests are sometimes known as rapid… read more … about Extending Calderdale’s targeted testing>>

Director of Public Health, Deborah Harkins

An additional 10 Community Safety Wardens have been appointed by Calderdale Council to support the COVID response and work to keep communities safe. The Council’s Community Protection Team, which consists of representatives from Community Safety and Resilience, Licensing and Environmental Health teams, continues to work with West Yorkshire Police and other partners to support Calderdale… read more … about Extra support to keep Calderdale communities safe and well>>

Partnership patrol in Halifax

People in Calderdale are being reminded to check their flood preparation plans, to ensure they can protect themselves and their property. It’s almost eight months since the most recent serious flooding event in Calderdale, when over 1200 properties were affected by flooding caused by Storm Ciara.  As winter approaches again, Calderdale Council is advising members… read more … about Preparing for future flooding>>
