Calderdale Council is working to ensure that all eligible households receive the Government’s £150 Council Tax rebate, aimed at helping with rising energy costs. Residents living in households in Council Tax bands A- D (excluding second or empty properties), will be eligible for the rebate. This means that around 83,000 households in Calderdale could benefit… read more … about Supporting local families to receive £150 Council Tax rebate>>
Category Archives: Council and democracy
Securing the Council’s financial position in a time of uncertainty is the priority for the budget for 2022/23, which was agreed at Budget Council on Monday 28 February 2022. Cllr Tim Swift, Calderdale Council’s Leader said: “This is a robust, balanced and sustainable budget which will ensure that we are in a sound financial position… read more … about A budget for a sustainable future>>
Protecting communities and supporting businesses through the pandemic, building a strong recovery, and ensuring the Council maintains financial stability are the priorities for the Cabinet’s budget proposals for the next financial year. The budget proposals were presented by the Leader of the Council at a Cabinet meeting on Monday 17 January 2022, marking the start… read more … about A robust and balanced budget>>
Calderdale residents are being asked to share their thoughts about what it’s like to live in the borough to help inform ambitions for the future. The Vision perception survey gathers the views of local residents each year to help shape the Vision for Calderdale, as the borough approaches its 50th birthday in the year 2024…. read more … about Have your say and help shape Calderdale’s future>>
Calderdale Council is investing further in an exciting future for North Halifax, in support of our vision to create vibrant and sustainable places with new and improved services for our communities. The communities of North Halifax are situated on the outskirts of the town centre and made up of the wards of Ovenden and Illingworth… read more … about Investing in the future of North Halifax>>
The Council is gearing up to make Calderdale’s voice heard at one of the world’s most significant climate events. Cllr Scott Patient, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Resilience, and members of the Council’s Environmental Projects team, are attending COP26 – the 26th annual UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. They will speak up for… read more … about Calderdale climate action heads for international spotlight>>
Updated plans as part of work to transform Halifax town centre will be discussed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet. The A629 Phase 2 – Halifax town centre project is fully funded by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and aims to improve pedestrian and cycle access into and within Halifax town centre. It also includes an upgrade… read more … about Progressing plans for town centre transformation>>
The second phase of an extensive programme of work to regenerate the Beech Hill area of Halifax is being discussed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet on Monday 2 August 2021. Members will discuss proposals and funding arrangements to carry out improvement work on 70 existing properties in the Beech Hill area. This second phase of work… read more … about Transforming the Beech Hill area of Halifax>>
Calderdale Council is paying tribute to Cllr Mohammad Naeem, who sadly passed away on Friday 9 July after a period of illness. Cllr Naeem was elected as a Labour Councillor for Park ward in May 2018, having previously represented the former St John’s ward between 1989 and 1992. He was well-known across Calderdale and West… read more … about Paying tribute to Cllr Mohammad Naeem>>