An innovative animation, specifically designed to safeguard children in West Yorkshire from exploitation and abuse, is due to premiere at the National Science and Media Museum in Bradford. Funded by the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Mark Burns-Williamson through £36,000 of grant money, it sees its first official screening on Monday 21 January… read more … about Animation premieres to tackle child exploitation>>
Category Archives: Health and safety
The Met Office has issued an amber warning for freezing rain across the region for Saturday 15 December. This is in addition to the existing yellow warning for snow/ ice issued yesterday. In response, the Council’s winter service is on full, 24 hour standby, working throughout the borough to keep the local road network moving…. read more … about Preparing for bad weather>>
Calderdale Council has taken on a new specialist member of staff to help maintain high levels of fire safety, in response to the devastating fire at Grenfell Tower in London. After the tragedy on 14 June 2017, Calderdale Council launched a review of fire safety in buildings across the borough, working in partnership with West… read more … about Keeping Calderdale safe>>