Category Archives: Public Health

Smokers across Calderdale are being urged to kick the habit during Stoptober – the national mass quit attempt for the month of October. Since it first launched 12 years ago, Stoptober has helped over 2.5 million people make a quit attempt. This year, the campaign’s theme is ‘When you stop smoking, good things start to… read more … about Take the Stoptober challenge and feel the benefits>>

Families in Calderdale can now benefit from improved, joined up services, with the opening of the first Calderdale Family Hub – ‘Central Halifax Family Hub at Jubilee’. Calderdale Council is creating a new network of Family Hubs, which will provide support for families in Calderdale with children aged 0-19 years (or up to age 25… read more … about New support network launches for Calderdale families>>

Child enjoying Family Hub launch activities

This World Suicide Prevention Day (Sunday 10 September), Calderdale Council is encouraging local people to challenge the stigma of suicide and learn what they can do to help prevent it, by becoming a Suicide Prevention Champion. The campaign is run by West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and urges everyone over 18 to sign up… read more … about Be a champion, help prevent suicide>>

Calderdale community groups are encouraged to join in with a month of events to celebrate the valuable contributions of older people. As part of Calderdale’s commitment to remain an Age Friendly borough, the Council is inviting voluntary and community organisations that support people aged 50+ to mark the International Day of Older Persons 2023. This… read more … about Gearing up for International Day of Older Persons>>

Annapurna Indian Dance

What helps you to stay healthy and happy? That’s one of the things Calderdale Council would like to know, in a new survey designed to help improve health and wellbeing support for over-16s living or working in Calderdale. Cllr Tim Swift, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health, said: “The Council, the NHS and community… read more … about Have your say for a healthier, happier Calderdale>>

Cllr Tim Swift

Queer as Smoke is a new campaign supporting LGBTQ+ smokers in Calderdale and Kirklees. The campaign launched at in June at Kirklees Pride in Huddersfield, providing information on stop smoking services and raising awareness among the LGBTQ+ community and service providers. Led by local charity the Brunswick Centre(external link), the campaign will run across social… read more … about Queer as Smoke – new LGBTQ+ smoking campaign launched in Calderdale>>

Cllr Tim Swift

A Calderdale school has received the borough’s highest level of recognition for the health and wellbeing support it offers its young people. Calder Primary School, part of the Calder Learning Trust, is the first school in the borough to receive the Gold achievement award in the Calderdale Healthy Schools award programme, which recognises and celebrates… read more … about Achieving the gold standard in health and wellbeing support>>

Calder Primary School pupils with the Healthy Schools Gold Award

Wainhouse Tower is lighting up blue to raise awareness of the dangers of asbestos and highlight the importance of health and safety at work. The iconic Calderdale landmark will turn blue on the night of Friday 7 July for Action Mesothelioma Day. Calderdale Council has pledged its support for the national Go Blue for Meso(external… read more … about Council to highlight danger of asbestos exposure>>

Calderdale Council

Events are taking place across Calderdale as part of a Breastfeeding Awareness Week, aimed at supporting anyone who is pregnant, as well as partners and other interested family members or friends. Calderdale Council’s Public Health Team, Locala Community Partnerships’ Health Visitors, Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust (CHFT) Maternity Infant Feeding Team and volunteer Breastfeeding Peer… read more … about Support for local families as part of Breastfeeding Awareness Week>>

Mother and baby