Category Archives: Volunteers

Calderdale Council is reviewing its commitment to the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, to build strong partnerships with providers and recognise their important contribution. Calderdale Council has a proud record of supporting and working in partnership with a thriving and resilient VCSE sector. In recent years, the importance of the sector has been… read more … about Supporting strong and resilient community organisations>>

Cllr Patient

Calderdale Council’s countryside volunteers have been supporting moorland restoration and carbon capture, by studying various methods of growing sphagnum moss as part of the Growing Resilience project. Sphagnum moss, which used to carpet the ground on local moors, is an important plant in natural flood management and carbon capture. It restores degraded moorland, soaks up… read more … about Growing moss for peat’s sake>>

Calderdale's countryside volunteers study sphagnum moss

A month-long festival celebrating the culture and diversity of Calderdale is coming to the west Halifax area this June. Flavourfest brings together events and activities within the Park and Warley areas of Calderdale, which are some of the most culturally vibrant and distinctive places in the borough. The festival is supported by Calderdale Council, with… read more … about Celebrating Flavourfest in west Halifax>>

Children enjoying Healthy Holidays

Wainhouse Tower will light up purple on Monday 6 June, to demonstrate Calderdale’s gratitude for the work of the borough’s many dedicated volunteers. The lighting of this iconic landmark is part of events taking place for national Volunteers’ Week (1 – 7 June). Calderdale Council is joining forces with the Voluntary Sector Infrastructure (VSI) Alliance… read more … about Thanking Calderdale’s amazing volunteers>>

HR-One decorative banner

ISCAL in Halifax is hosting an open day to demonstrate the facilities at the site and highlight the opportunities available to support people into employment.  ISCAL is owned and operated by Calderdale Council and helps local people with disabilities or other barriers to work to move into employment. ISCAL is also one of the country’s… read more … about Find out more about employment support with ISCAL>>


A £900,000 fund is now open for Calderdale organisations to hold activity sessions to help children eat healthily and be more active during school holidays. Local groups can apply for a share of the ‘Healthy Holidays Calderdale Programme’ grant from Calderdale Council and the Community Foundation for Calderdale, to help reduce inequalities by tackling child… read more … about Helping children to have Healthy Holidays>>

Children enjoying Healthy Holidays

Local voluntary and community groups in Calderdale are encouraged to apply for funding of up to £3,000 as part of the Council’s Community Small Grants programme, which relaunches this February. The programme was suspended in 2020 due to the COVID-19 emergency. As the Council continues to focus on supporting the borough’s recovery, the Small Grant… read more … about Relaunch of small grants scheme to support local groups>>

Cllr Patient

I want to take the opportunity to update you on what we know about the Omicron variant of COVID-19, what it means for Calderdale and the action being taken to delay the variant spreading. The variant was first identified in Southern Africa and has been identified as a Variant of Concern by the World Health… read more … about Message from Deborah Harkins, Director of Public Health for Calderdale Council>>

Debs Harkins, Director Public Health

The importance of culture in Calderdale’s recovery from the impacts of the pandemic is being discussed by the Council’s Cabinet. An ambitious and far-reaching draft cultural strategy will be presented to the Cabinet at their meeting on Monday 4 October. It has been developed to harness the power of the borough’s unique culture and heritage… read more … about Putting culture at the heart of the borough’s recovery>>
