Deadlines have now been removed for applications to Calderdale Council’s flood grants.
Timescales for both the £500 Hardship grant for homeowners and also for the business flood recovery grant for premises affected by the Boxing Day Floods have been removed.
This is in addition to the already deadline free Repair and Renew grant, meaning that all available grants for homes and businesses have no strict application dates.
However, funds from the government are limited, and people wanting to make an application should register their interest as soon as possible. If more people come forward for the grants than funds are available, a case will be put to the government to extend the scheme.
So far the Council has made 1,566 payments to eligible householders totalling £783,000, and 762 payments to businesses totalling £1,831,685.
However, it’s estimated that the December floods affected approximately 2,720 households and 1,250 businesses so there are still people who are likely to be eligible who haven’t yet applied for funding.
It’s easy to find out if you’re eligible and to apply, just visit www.calderdale.gov.uk and search for ‘Flood funding’ for an application form, or call 01422 288001.
If you are a business or a community group and your premises have been affected complete the grant application form on our website and email it to business@calderdale.gov.uk.
If your home was affected please email your completed application form to floodfundingteam@calderdale.gov.uk.
Calderdale Council’s Director of Economy and Environment, Mark Thompson, said:
“Calderdale is bouncing back after the devastating flooding at the end of last year, but there are still residents or businesses that have been affected but haven’t yet applied for the available funding.
“We want everyone who’s eligible to come forward and claim this financial support. To help out, we’ve extended the deadlines to give people who may not have had chance to claim yet, the opportunity to send in their application.”