Youngsters across Calderdale are being warned of the dangers of taking part in the latest internet craze, a drinking game known as ‘neknominate’.
People have been daring each other on social media to film themselves binge drinking alcohol and other substances and then nominating a friend to continue the chain.
Calderdale Council’s Director of Public Health, Paul Butcher said:
“This is a worrying trend and I’d like to warn all parents and young people to be alert to the dangers of binge drinking. Fortunately there have been very few serious cases across the country as most people recognise that this is a very risky game which can have life threatening consequences.”
Katy Hetherington, Young Persons Development Manager at Branching Out (Lifeline), a charity which provides drug and alcohol services in Calderdale said:
“As neknominate sweeps social networking it’s crucial that we make sure our young people are safe. Binge drinking in this way is incredibly risky. When it is coupled with a “cocktail” of other substances it is impossible to say what the outcome will be.
“Parents and professionals need to have regular sensible conversations about the risks of drinking, particularly highlighting the dangers of bingeing.”
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Health Inequalities, Cllr Simon Young added:
“I know that it’s easy to feel pressure from friends to take part, but it’s not worth taking the risk.
“If you have been nominated and you don’t want to feel left out you could consider a RAKnomination. It’s a Facebook campaign where people nominate each other to do a Random Act of Kindness within 24 hours. This could be anything, from giving money to a local charity, volunteering or donating blood. It’s a much more positive act than taking part in a drinking game – it helps other people and makes you feel good about yourself.”
If you would like to find out about the support which is available from Calderdale Council, please visit www.calderdale.gov.uk. This includes the contact details for Branching Out (Lifeline), which offers a range of services relating to drugs and alcohol, including advice, information and counselling.