Regular visitors to Calderdale Council’s website may spot some eye-catching changes to the home page as a new design is trialled over the next six weeks.
The Council’s existing website is being updated to make it even easier for people to use. During the trial period visitors to the site will either view the existing website or be directed to the new version.
The new site is divided into three sections – with each section tailored to services that residents, businesses or those interested in Council activities want to see.
The section for residents has easy to use icons which direct people to the service they need, whether it’s to book a sporting activity, report a faulty street light, pay a bill, renew a library book or request a waste bin.
The business section provides quick links to key services such as applying for a licence, a land and property search, planning applications, and training and meeting venues.
Council information can be found in the third section including details of Council meetings and reports and an easy to use search option to find your local councillors.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities, Cllr Steve Sweeney said:
“I’m really excited by the new design which is a clever and colourful combination of information and images.
“The new layout is very simple to navigate, so visitors can go straight to the page they need. We’ve researched which areas of our website are the most popular to make sure that these are the easiest to find. And if people have a particular question they can contact us via the live chat button at the bottom of each page.
“It’s also much easier to keep up-to-date on all our news, particularly on some of our bigger projects, such as the transformation of the Piece Hall. Go and have a look, and let us know what you think of the changes.”
During the trial period the Council will monitor how visitors use the site and adapt it if necessary. Feedback on the new site is also welcome and can be submitted via the home page. The new website is expected to fully launch in August 2015.
Visit Calderdale Council’s new website at www.calderdale.gov.uk.