Horton Housing’s service for young people in Calderdale who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness has moved to new, bigger premises.
A large derelict building on the outskirts of Halifax has been redeveloped as a result of a partnership between Chartford Housing, Homes England and Calderdale Council.
The refurbished building has 14 units of high quality accommodation which will be managed by Horton Housing to house young homeless people from Calderdale.
The building includes offices where support staff from Horton Housing’s Young Person’s Prevention and Support Service (YPASS) will be based and on hand to assist the young people.
YPASS also provides advice and support for young people aged 16-21 (or 25 if they are care leavers). This includes drop in advice sessions for people seeking support on housing, substance misuse, mental health, budgeting, training and employment.
The building provides a training room where young people can access computers so people can do things like homework, write CVs, apply for jobs and bid on properties.
YPASS also provides a range of other services for homeless young people, including housing-related support, a mediation service (to assist young people to move back home) and supported lodgings (in which a young person can lodge in a spare room at someone’s house).
The new building provides more space for all these services, including a bigger drop-in space and kitchen space for staff to run cook and eat sessions.
The building will be staffed 24/7 which means the tenants always have someone on hand if support is needed.
Gudrun Haskins-Carlisle, Services Director at Horton Housing, said:
“This is a fantastic facility for homeless young people in Calderdale. It gives them a safe place to seek help, advice or temporary accommodation if needed.
“This new facility will help us house and support more young people, helping them move on in their lives and build themselves a better future.”
A young person who recently came to the new building said:
“It’s a really nice environment and I already feel at home.”
Cllr Daniel Sutherland, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning, Housing and Environment, said:
“We’re delighted with this great new facility, which supports our commitment to tackle homelessness and our work to give Calderdale’s young people the best possible help. It complements the whole range of support we provide through our Foyer service, which includes helping young people with their accommodation, employment and wellbeing. We will continue to work closely with Horton Housing to ensure we meet local needs.”