A proposed new housing scheme to help older people and residents with dementia to live independently has moved a step forward.
A planning application has been submitted for 65 purpose-built apartments in Rastrick, offering affordable new homes, activity areas and facilities all under one roof.
Calderdale Council and Home Group, a not-for-profit housing provider, are working together to provide the new ‘community wellbeing extra care’ facility at Bramston Street to help people live in their own homes for longer and enjoy a good quality of life, with care and support as needed.
Cllr Daniel Sutherland, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning, Housing and Environment, said:
“This is part of the Council’s commitment to increasing the choice of homes for older people in Calderdale, with a focus on supporting people with dementia and their carers.
“We want people to live independently at the heart of their community for as long as they can. Extra care housing provides a safe and caring environment with specially designed features and plenty of opportunities to socialise.”
Rachael Byrne, Executive Director of New Models of Care at Home Group, added:
“Through this partnership we’ll be able to provide a design with a focus on those living with dementia, and working with Brewster Bye Architects and Henry Riley consulting we’ve delivered a model of housing that meets their needs.
“We faced a number of site constraints along the way but we’ve worked collaboratively to address these and we’re proud of what we can offer with these apartments.”
The proposed new scheme includes a mix of one- and two-bedroom apartments, with 10 apartments ready to meet the needs of people with dementia and five ‘shared ownership’ units offering lower cost home ownership.
Other planned facilities include a hair salon, coffee shop and restaurant (also open to the public), roof terrace, winter garden and car parking.
If planning permission is secured, it is anticipated that work will start on site in spring 2018.
The planning application can be viewed on the Council’s website here.