7.30pm Tuesday 5th May 2015
Heritage Quay, Central Services Building, University of Huddersfield
Members and guests of Huddersfield Civic Society are invited to attend a talk about the transformation of one of England’s most significant buildings – the Grade I listed Piece Hall in Halifax.
Currently closed until Summer 2016 the Piece Hall Transformation Project, funded by Calderdale Council, and a £7 million grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, will be refurbished and conserved, creating a 21st century heritage visitor attraction, with a high quality interpretation and learning centre, a new east extension and a redesigned courtyard. There will also be a wealth of specialist shops and cafes as well as modern workspaces for creative businesses and conference and meeting facilities.
The changes will be part of a wider regeneration programme with three major developments adjacent to the Piece Hall. A new £9.5 mCentral Library and Archive is being built on the Square Church site and will incorporate the Grade II listed Square Spire. A fourth gateway is being created in the Piece Hall which will lead through to this building and help create an improved pedestrian route from Halifax train station. Cornerstone is the planned £5.9m extension to Square Chapel Centre for the Arts leading up to the Piece Hall and Orangebox (now open) is a young people’s centre with state-of-the-art facilities which will link directly to the Piece Hall’s learning space.
Project Director at Calderdale Council, Barry Reynolds, leading the transformation of this glorious Georgian structure, will outline the plans and current progress and describe the charitable Trust that will own and manage the Piece Hall when it re-opens next year.
The Piece Hall reflects the confidence, pride and foresight of the developing textile industry and its impact on West Yorkshire’s urban landscapes. Barry’s talk should not be missed by anyone who has an interest in the building’s architectural, commercial and social significance and how this project will help ensure its future success and cement its international importance.
Barry said:
“The Piece Hall is a magnificent building with a rich past and a really exciting future, and I’m delighted to be giving people an insight into this at the talk. The event supports one of our aims for the transformation project, which is to connect people with the heritage of the building and the area, helping them to understand and enjoy the history. I’m looking forward to sharing our plans to make the Piece Hall a modern, exciting place that people want to keep visiting in the future.”