Staff at Calderdale children’s centres are celebrating after their centres were judged as ‘good’ in a recent Ofsted inspection.
The Central Halifax Children’s Centres were visited by Ofsted from 9 – 11 July 2013, and the inspectors were impressed with what they found.
The three centres being judged were the Jubilee Children’s Centre, Sunshine Children’s Centre and Little Stars Children’s Centre, all in Halifax.
The inspectors were impressed with the links the centres had with the local community, and how well the staff reached the families most in need. The report stated:
“The group of centres is a focal point for the community and staff have successfully reached the large majority of those families most in need.
“Staff know the local community very well and provide an extremely welcoming environment where all families feel at ease.”
The opinion of Ofsted was backed up by parents visiting the centres. One parent said:
“We love coming here, they are a life saver. The staff are so approachable and friendly, and they look after our children really well.”
Ofsted also commented on the good relationship the Council had with the charity Halifax Opportunities Trust (HOT), who run the centres on behalf of Calderdale Council. The partnership was described as:
“A unique and very effective working relationship that meets the needs of the community very well”
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services, Cllr Megan Swift, said:
“It’s fantastic news that Halifax children’s centres have received such a positive result from their recent inspection.
“The staff work hard to ensure families that need their services, know about them, and I’m glad this has been recognised in the Ofsted report.
“I have seen this hard work and commitment across all our children’s centres in Calderdale when I have visited them, and it is great to see it being recognised by Ofsted.”