A pop-up food and drink event at Halifax Borough Market will celebrate food culture in Calderdale, allowing people to experience a taste of what Calderdale has to offer. Hosted by the Calderdale Food Network, the 2024 Calderdale Food Gathering is taking place in the historic surroundings of the Albany Arcade at Halifax Borough Market on… read more … about Market event celebrates food and drink in Calderdale>>
Category Archives: Community
Climate action in Calderdale has been showcased on the national stage, with two prestigious award events highlighting the achievements of the borough’s sphagnum moss project. Gill Wrigley, the Council’s lead officer for the Calderdale Sphagnum Project, has been recognised on the Environment 100 list(external link), which celebrates the outstanding contributions of individuals and organisations dedicated to… read more … about Awards shine a light on peatland restoration>>
Organisations with ambitious plans for cultural activities in Calderdale are invited to apply for grant funding of up to £15,000. Calderdale’s Year of Culture (CultureDale(external link)), is being celebrated throughout 2024 and until April 2025, with a programme of creativity and activity to celebrate the borough’s 50th anniversary. To ensure that the benefits of Culturedale… read more … about Grant scheme offers cultural opportunities>>
Calderdale residents who are passionate about making a difference, are invited to take part in an exciting new initiative, helping to shape climate action and supporting work to make Calderdale homes warmer, healthier and cheaper to heat. Calderdale Council, working in partnership with Carbon Co-op, and Todmorden Learning Centre. is progressing work on the Calderdale… read more … about Join the Citizens’ Jury helping to shape climate action>>
Thousands of people enjoyed the successful return of the People’s Park Festival in Calderdale, celebrating the diversity of the borough’s culture. On Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 August, the beautiful People’s Park in Halifax came alive with film, food, entertainment and music, showcasing Calderdale’s multicultural identity and celebrating South Asian Heritage Month. Over 3000 people… read more … about Thousands enjoy a joyful celebration of diverse cultures>>
Work is due to begin on a new town square for Sowerby Bridge, providing a flexible and welcoming space, with improved facilities for pedestrians. The new Sowerby Bridge Square will be built on the site of the old market building and will include landscaping, with tree planting and rain gardens. The area will be welcoming… read more … about Starting work on new community space for Sowerby Bridge>>
Calderdale continues to be a place of sanctuary for Ukrainians living in the UK, after fleeing the war in their country. Just over two years on from the launch of the Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme in Calderdale, around 200 Ukrainians now call the borough home. Thanks to the generosity of Calderdale people, many Ukrainian… read more … about Supporting Ukrainian communities in Calderdale>>
Work to transform a playground in Mixenden will start this month, creating a new inclusive and accessible play area for everyone to enjoy. Calderdale Council is delivering improvements in the area around Ash Green Community Primary School, including works to the playground on Sunnybank Road. The playground improvement works are funded by the Council, UKSPF… read more … about Mixenden playground works swing into action>>
People in Calderdale are invited to share their thoughts to inform the creation of a Development Plan Document. This will outline how the Council can support the accommodation needs of Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople communities. There is a national requirement for the Council to prepare a ‘Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Development Plan… read more … about Supporting the needs of Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople communities>>