Calderdale Council is asking residents, local businesses, charities and community groups to comment on the planning policies which are included within the draft Local Plan consultation.
Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning, Housing and Environment, Cllr Daniel Sutherland said:
“The consultation on our draft Local Plan is now well underway and we’ve already received a lot of very useful comments on the sites proposed for future development.
“Equally important, however, are the policies within the plan which guide how sites are developed, so that we can make sure that they are sustainable and are in keeping with the character of local communities.”
The Local Plan consultation document, which can be found at www.calderdale.gov.uk/localplan has draft policies on a range of different issues which will need to be considered during any future development including:
- Chapter 7 on Sites for Employment, which shows where potential sites have been allocated to meet future employment requirements
- Chapter 13 on Infrastructure and Master Planning, including a detailed policy to address what future development might look like, taking into account the need to retain an area’s character or mitigate a potential increase in traffic.
- Chapter 14 on Employment and the Economy, which aims to stimulate sustainable and diverse economic growth across Calderdale, creating new jobs through the allocation of new employment sites and safeguarding existing land and premises in established employment areas.
- Chapter 15 on Retailing and Town Centres, which includes policies to make sure that Calderdale’s centres remain vibrant and dynamic places to visit.
- Chapter 10 on Addressing Climate Change, which includes policies on flooding and water resource management and also renewable and low carbon energy
- Chapter 12 on Health and Wellbeing, to help create safe, healthy and inclusive communities
- Chapter 18 on the Historic Environment, to protect, conserve and enhance Calderdale’s valuable and diverse historic environment
- Chapter 20 on Green Infrastructure and the Natural Environment which will support biodiversity, climate change adaptation and flood mitigation and can recreation, sustainable transport and wellbeing.
Comments on the policies within the draft plan can be submitted via the Council’s website www.calderdale.gov.uk/localplan and information is also available in libraries, Customer First offices and the Council’s information room on the upper level of The Piece Hall in Halifax.
The Council’s planning team is on hand to answer any questions about the consultation process on weekdays during working hours on 01422 392206 or 01422 392381.
The government requires local authorities to produce a Local Plan which identifies land to meet their requirements for new housing, employment and infrastructure, over the next 15 years.
Consultation on the initial draft of the Calderdale Local Plan will run until 5pm on Friday 29 September.
The Council will submit the Local Plan following its final consultation, together with comments from the public, to the Secretary of State in Spring 2018. Adoption of the plan by Calderdale Council is expected to be confirmed by the end of 2018.