With just over a fortnight to go until the start of the Tour de Yorkshire, organisers Welcome to Yorkshire are reminding people to get their Land Art and Best Dressed competition entries in.
The Tour de Yorkshire is now regarded as one of the best supported and most colourful races on the world cycling calendar, with giant land art projects being dotted along the route and entire streets lined with bikes, banners and bunting.
To honour that amazing support, Welcome to Yorkshire organises Land Art and Best Dressed competitions to crown communities who go above and beyond the call of duty to showcase their area. Welcome to Yorkshire are asking people to share their plans with them to benefit from the global TV coverage during the race between 2-5 May.
Right across the county businesses, landowners, farmers, schools and community groups are creating massive, eye-catching Land Art pieces which will be beamed to millions of TV viewers in 190 countries around the world.
Plans are also in place to line the route with spectacular, street-side decorations.
The winner of the Land Art competition will be awarded the coveted Land Art Trophy while the four category winners of the Best Dressed Competition – which include Best Dressed Village, Best Dressed Town, Best Dressed Host Location and Spirit of Le Tour – will be presented with exclusive commemorative plaques to display in their communities.
Peter Dodd, Commercial Director of Welcome to Yorkshire, said:
“We’re always hugely impressed by the imaginative ways people choose to celebrate the Tour de Yorkshire. We’ve already had lots of entries for both competitions but it’s not too late to get involved.
“Be sure to let us know what you’ve got planned and then your fantastic creations will stand the best chance of getting picked up by the television cameras, as well as winning our Land Art and Best Dressed competitions.”
A new and improved online entry process has been launched this year, making it even easier to get involved.
Full details on how to enter the Land Art Competition can be found at letouryorkshire.com/landart(external link)
Full details on how to enter the Best Dressed Competition can be found at