Category Archives: Social care

Changes to a scheme which supports local vulnerable people will be discussed by Calderdale Council’s Cabinet on Monday 31 March 2014.  The Calderdale Local Welfare Assistance Scheme was launched in April 2013 to award grants to vulnerable people facing hardship.  In April 2013 the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) provided funding of £550,000 for… read more … about Council to extend scheme to protect the most vulnerable>>

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Calderdale Health and Wellbeing Board has committed to making life better for disabled children, young people and their families by signing the Disabled Children’s Charter for Health and Wellbeing Boards, developed by Every Disabled Child Matters and The Children’s Trust, Tadworth.  Health and Wellbeing Boards play an important strategic role in the new health system…. read more … about Calderdale Health and Wellbeing Board pledges its support for disabled children>>

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Calderdale Council has approved a £500,000 contribution towards funding for a new extra care scheme for people with dementia. The proposed scheme would provide housing for 46 adults with dementia and learning disabilities and provide a range of personalised care services to help them continue to live independently.  Funding from the scheme has been awarded… read more … about Council takes extra care of older people>>

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More than 70 people have asked about becoming foster carers since Calderdale Council launched its latest recruitment campaign on 6 January 2014.  Through posters around the borough, adverts in local newspapers and social media marketing, the Council is highlighting the need for more foster carers, especially those who could care for teenagers and sibling groups… read more … about Fostering makes all the difference>>

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Calderdale Council is backing national Dignity Action Day on 1 February 2014, to encourage local people to help make a difference to those in care.  It’s a national initiative led by the Dignity in Care Campaign. It aims to raise awareness of dignity in care – ensuring that people in care are respected, treated as… read more … about Making a difference to people in care>>

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